Title: Brand Educator
Specializations: Hair Removal, Waxing, Sensitive Skin
Taylor Rebagliati works as a brand educator with Hale & Hush. Managing the very first overview calls for clients and introducing Hale & Hush for the first time means knowing the products inside and out and giving the best customer service possible. Taylor works very hard to inform and educate professionals by giving overviews of the product line, how to use the product, and how to retail the products in their businesses. In 2018 Taylor became an esthetician and loves being involved in the skincare industry that is ever changing and always growing. There are so many niches that exist in the industry that she loves. Taylor loves and specializes in helping and educating other estheticians grow their businesses. She not only wants her personal knowledge to grow but is passionate about other professionals growing as well. Taylor loves the efficacy of the products that Hale & Hush offers and feels as though the company’s’ dedication to estheticians matches that same efficacy.