
Something New

Looking for interesting ingredients in the professional skin care industry this year? Try on some of the latest ingredient options for size, including a few that are experiencing a resurgence as their uses are modernized….. Access Full PDF Article Here.

Inside Surfactants

One subject that is a popular topic in the personal care market is “sulfate or non- sulfate” surfactants. Sulfate-free surfactants cost more than lauryl/laureth sulfates. The cost can be the production of actual ingredients involved or the binding process of these sulfate-free surfactants. Sulfate-free products tend to lather; however, maybe not at the intense aesthetic … Read more

Nuts About Skin Care

Most know that nuts as a food are healthy to add to our diets, but we are beginning to see more nuts and their oils in our skin care products. Most oils are full of omegas, fatty acids, antioxidants and other minerals that repair and protect the skin at various levels, providing a variety of … Read more

Fresh As A Daisy

Extract from the common daisy may help with myriad skin and health issuesKnown as the common daisy or English daisy, Bellis perennis L. is not just another pretty flower in the professional skin care industry. A member of the Asteraceae family, the genus name, Bellis, from the Latin word bella, means beautiful, and perennis means … Read more

Natural Brightening: A Holistic Approach to Hyperpigmentation

Globally, ingredients to brighten and lighten the skin are highly sought after by clients. Every skin type can experience a variety of different types of pigmentation including brown spots, discoloration, redness, or pigmented areas. Pigmentation can be caused by several issues, like sun damage, medications, cosmetic intolerance syndrome, hormonal issues, and more… Access Full PDF … Read more

Gentle Giant

Mirabilis jalapa extract can offer big relief for sensitive skinMirabilis jalapa, a tropical flowering herb once used by the Aztecs as medicine, is gaining momentum as an active skin care ingredient, especially for products developed for sensitive skin. More commonly known as the “marvel of Peru” or the “four o’clock flower” (because its flowers open … Read more

Healthy Fat

Loaded with fatty acids and antioxidants, marula oil is a powerful ingredientMarula oil, with its powerful mix of antioxidants, skin-loving vitamins, and anti-inflammatory properties, is an ingredient you should have in your treatment room. Marula oil has a clear, light yellow color and nutty smell. The oil can be used on its own as a … Read more

Among the Willows

Help clients reduce inflammation and control excess oil with white willow extract.There are several species of willow trees, each with their own unique extract. The type most commonly used in skin care is derived from white willow bark. The extract comes from the white willow tree (Salix alba), a medium-to-large perennial deciduous species. The name … Read more

The New Face of Gluten

Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune disorder whereby the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine. It can occur in genetically predisposed individuals, which are estimated at 1 in every 100 people worldwide. CD can easily be diagnosed by a blood test or intestinal biopsy, yet approximately 2.5 million Americans are undiagnosed and … Read more

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