
Show Eczema What’s Up

Over 30 million people have some form of eczema,1 and skin care professionals are seeing more of this in the treatment room. In many, eczema started in childhood and dissipated by adulthood; however, adults that never had it as a child are presenting the condition in growing quanitities. Since skin care professionals do not want … Read more

Fighting Glycation for the Diabetic Client

As skin care professi­onals, we spend a lot of time protecting the skin from external stressors that can cause damage and aging. We sometimes forget there are factors that can age the skin from the inside out, too, and one of these internal factors is glycation. The term “glycation,” along with the consumer desire to … Read more

The Rainbow of Skin Sensitivity

The human population is made up all different types of people with a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds. Each ethnic group has its own general traits in regard to skin, hair and eye color, but as we know all too well, ethnicity is more of a broad spectrum of shades and traits rather than a … Read more

The Frustration Behind Fragrance

As one of our main senses, smell is a key part of how we react to situations and others in our everyday life. We look to re-create a happy memory or positive feeling with a certain fragrance. Fragrance is in laundry, cleaning products and personal care products as well as being pumped through vents at … Read more

The New Face of Gluten

Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune disorder whereby the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine. It can occur in genetically predisposed individuals, which are estimated at 1 in every 100 people worldwide. CD can easily be diagnosed by a blood test or intestinal biopsy, yet approximately 2.5 million Americans are undiagnosed and … Read more

The A, B, C, D, Es of Skin Cancer

May is national Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month. The most common of all cancers, approximately 3.5 million cases of basal and squamous cell skin cancer are diagnosed in this country each year.1 With this awareness, it is the perfect month to educate your clients on how to do their own exams at home on … Read more

Delicate Dealings – Understanding Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is a condition the skin care professional sees every day in the treatment room. In a study published in the International Journal of Dermatology, 44.6 percent of individuals polled stated they had sensitive skin.1 As sensitivity levels rise due to various factors, it’s important to determine exactly where your client’s sensitivity comes from … Read more

Trade Secrets: Interview with Kris Campbell

I have been in the professional skin care industry for 11 years. I find inspiration in listening to other educators and experts in the field. I am always reading anything regarding skin care and health challenges. I do not limit myself to industry knowledge and I incorporate the consumer avenue to see what they are … Read more

Acne and Sensitive Skin

Acne is the most common skin disorder in the United States, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.1 It affects 40 to 50 million Americans and almost 85% of people will get some form of acne during their lives. Many clients with acne may also be experiencing sensitive skin issues— skin care professionals need to … Read more

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