Learn all about Rezenerate Nano Technology and what makes it the Best. Facial. Ever.
In this workshop we will be performing a live demo using products from Hale & Hush. Learn Product Knowledge of the products being used in our demo and follow our team approved protocol to safely administer a Rezenerate Facial using the Hale & Hush skincare line.
You will also learn:
- Why Hale & Hush goes Beyond Sensitive Skin.
- What sets Rezenerate apart from other product infusion devices.
- How to properly use the Rezenerate Wand.
- Approved Hale & Hush/Rezenerate Protocol.
You will also receive a special promo from both companies to help you get up and running with this new service. We will also have special promos for those who already own or use Hale & Hush or the Rezenerate System.
Educator: Melissa Mercado
Cost: $49 (with product discount)
October 25 from 5pm-7:30pm EST on Zoom
Please contact: officemanager@haleandhush.com or call 602-858-5814 with payment information to register