INTRO TO IMMUNOESTHETICS – Collaboration Class with Dr. Erin Madigan-Fleck
A rising health concern in the United States today is the increase in autoimmune diseases and its prominence amongst women. Estimates project approximately 30 million women may suffer from one or more autoimmune diseases.
ImmunoEsthetics© presents the opportunity for the esthetician to augment their skills by offering specialized esthetic care for the client with auto immune conditions or immune complex disorders. ImmunoEsthetics © involves several aspects of theoretical training, practices, concepts, and techniques with a focus on compassionate care.
Join Dr. Erin Madigan-Fleck for this informative introduction to ImmunoEsthetics© as she explains:
Why ImmunoEsthetics©?
Esthetics in the Health Landscape
The Evolving Immune Status & Skin
Also in this class, learn how Hale and Hush products are tailored to meet the unique needs of specialized clients faced with skin issues stemming from autoimmune disorders and the medications used to treat them. We will discuss the products specifically formulated to soothe and address symptoms, and how these products work diligently to improve barrier function and enhance overall skin health. With a focus on calming inflammation and providing gentle yet effective care, Hale and Hush offer a lifeline to those navigating the complexities of compromised skin due to autoimmune issues.
Educator: Dr. Erin Madigan-Fleck NMD, LE, LEI & Shawna Rocha
cost of class is $75
August 9 from 12-2pm EST on zoom
Please contact: officemanager@haleandhush.com or call 602-858-5814 with payment information to register