Elevating Skin Health: Treating Compromised Barriers for Sensitive Skin
In this comprehensive class, Hale & Hush, the sensitive skin experts, will provide advanced insight into distinguishing between sensitive and sensitized skin. Participants will learn how to identify symptoms of common sensitive skin conditions, recognize compromised barriers, and effectively learn how to treat this skin type. The course will cover elements contributing to poor skin health, decreased barrier function, and demonstrate how to use Hale & Hush products to build healthy skin barriers. Attendees will receive product suggestions for specific skin conditions, learn to create adaptive protocols, and utilize a hierarchy of treatment options to effectively treat compromised skin. This class also focuses on creating solutions for sensitive skin in both the treatment room and for home care routines, ensuring optimal care for sensitive skin clientele.
Instructor: Shawna Rocha
cost of class: $75
September 21 from 1-5pm PST at the Oregon Esthetics Show
Please contact: officemanager@haleandhush.com or call 602-858-5814 with payment information to register