Remember the days when people simply described their skin as oily, combination or dry? Today 50 percent of women and 40 percent of men describe their skin as sensitive. Sensitive and/or health challenged skin can arise from several internal factors, ranging from hereditary skin issues to developing skin conditions related to health challenges such as cancer, diabetes, depression and the medications/treatments involved. External factors can also be a problem. These may include UV exposure, workplace settings, environmental conditions and even frequent contact with water, alkalis or solvents, all of which can cause sensitivity. Psychosomatic factors also may play a part, causing itching symptoms and rashes to appear.
Every client with sensitive skin will be different, and the treatment needs to be altered for each individual. Since many sensitive skin clients are prone to redness and inflammation, steam should be avoided. If the client insists, place the steamer further away so that more of the mist is in the room rather than focused on their face. Clients may also enjoy the use of cool beauty globes during different phases of the facial to calm the skin. Also try using lukewarm or cool towels to avoid redness. The client will appreciate microfiber towels for cleansing and product removal, as they do not tug on the skin like traditional towels… Access Full PDF Article Here.
by Kris Campbell, Founder & Managing Director, Hale & Hush
As seen in Les Nouvelles Esthétiques & Spa Magazine – March 2013