The Other End: How Aesthetics Survived COVID-19

The aesthetics industry was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. It took a sharp and unexpected turn that most were not prepared for, leaving service providers with no choice but to deal with the fallout. Lockdowns, phased reopening, and regulations on social distancing caused businesses to come to a screeching halt. In turn, we were forced to get creative or risk losing everything.

There are many people in the industry who struggled, those who lost, those who fought, and those who survived and succeeded. Skin care professionals created new options and opportunities for their clients and took active measures to think on their feet, step outside the box, and hang on to their business – it was nothing less than astounding and inspiring. There are still so many mixed emotions, and what happened during the pandemic can only be summed up by the words devastation, adaptability, perseverance, strength, and endurance… Access Full Article Here.

by Shawna Rocha L.E, Director of Education Hale & Hush
As seen on June, 2023

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