The human population is made up all different types of people with a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds. Each ethnic group has its own general traits in regard to skin, hair and eye color, but as we know all too well, ethnicity is more of a broad spectrum of shades and traits rather than a segmented list. This can make it difficult both to understand our clients’ skin, and to develop a good treatment plan for their skin concerns. Learning about what comprises skin color, asking questions and researching what treatments work on different skin types is important to the skin care professional.1
This article will first delve into pigment production, skin classifications and ethnicity characteristics before exploring sensitivity issues related to specific ethnicities.
3 Factors of Skin Color
There are three compounds that affect the tone and hue of skin: melanin, hemoglobin and carotene. As we know, melanin is the strongest influence of skin color, followed by hemoglobin and carotene, respectively… Access Full PDF Article Here.
by Kris Campbell, Founder & Managing Director, Hale & Hush
As seen in Skin, Inc. Magazine – October 2016