I have been in the professional skin care industry for 11 years. I find inspiration in listening to other educators and experts in the field. I am always reading anything regarding skin care and health challenges. I do not limit myself to industry knowledge and I incorporate the consumer avenue to see what they are talking about. I learned the most when working at the FDA laboratory. Working with clients to help formulate product lines and the knowledge of ingredients has really helped me in my current position. Ingredients are always changing in regard to new discoveries on ways to improve skin, as well as new methods of ingredient delivery. With the wellness trend still thriving, I see a need for more customized services and products to treat individuals that have skin or fragrance sensitivities due to a variety of internal/ external sources. Ingredients are an important aspect with every consideration in this industry. Even with intake forms, clients should be aware of the ingredients they are using and the aesthetician should be aware of any contraindications the client may have. Many ingredients are contraindicated due to medications, menstrual cycles, allergies, current homecare regimens, and even previous surgeries where lymph nodes were removed. The best spas have a great intake form as to really understand a client’s concerns and possible issues that could cause reactions in treatment room. The spa staff should also be knowledgeable in the right treatments and homecare for their clients. The spa management team should be willing to listen to the needs and concerns of their staff and clients, and be able to adapt to upcoming trends in the industry as it is always changing. I tell every client to listen to what their bodies and skin are telling them. I also advise them to let their skin care professional know of allergies, medications, and past surgeries so the best treatment plan can be developed to treat their skin concerns with no adverse reactions… Access Full PDF Article Here.
by Kris Campbell, Founder & Managing Director, Hale & Hush
as seen in Dermascope magazine – April 2015